Many years ago, my mother knit a green wool sweater.
The first time I remember seeing it was in a picture.
My oldest brother was wearing it as part of a Halloween costume.
(Doesn’t he look cute?, see below)
I do not remember my mom wearing it much,
it mostly hung in the back corner of a closet at home.
When I had grown enough to wear it, she gave it to me.
I wore it off and on over the years.
It was very warm and cozy during the Midwest winters.
After several washings, it shrunk a bit and did not fit as well.
For a few years I have been thinking of how to turn the sweater into another
clothing item. I saw on a Facebook post that a local seamstress was making warm mittens out of
fleece and knit material.
A light bulb moment, the green wool sweater could be turned into mittens!
Pictured below is the end result of the project.
I am going to keep on pair of mittens for myself and give the other pair to my sister.
So, a sweater my mom knit over 60 years ago lives on and will keep our hands warm for a few
cold Midwest winters. Thanks Mom! I love you and miss you.
